Training Approach - a guide
1. This is not a typical training session, that follows a lecture and "death by Powerpoint" format. The training offered by Gravitas Asia is a high-energy, small group workshop format, with the purpose of delivering breakthrough performance results for its participants. The entire training is led and delivered by Paul Hussey.
3. The training requires focused and high-energy effort, in order to maximize the return in new skills learnt. Hence, the numbers are deliberately kept small for each session, to allow personalized and intimate engagement between Paul and the participants.
6. Each course starts with a "warm-up" session led by Paul, to both initiate and foster a sense of breakthrough performance capability in a safe, confidential and private environment The participants learn swiftly that they can experiment and be candid, and by opening up with Paul and the others, a strong bonding occurs naturally.
8. The training is typically split over two days. This is because it allows busy executives flexibility to manage their schedules alongside this training. It also gives the participants time to reflect on and refine their presentation material ahead of being videotaped. (Note - the training can be accommodated into a 1 day session if absolutely necessary, however splitting over two days is advised).
2. Paul brings his passion and charismatic style to this training. He creates an ambience of open, relaxed and enjoyable training, requiring the participants to engage fully and "be in the moment".
4. Paul takes complete ownership of this unique training. He sets the course material, personally delivers it, and assesses and suggests changes to improve participant performance.
5. Unlike most Public Speaking training course Providers, Paul has been the CEO and Board of Directors member for the past 10 years. He therefore is uniquely qualified to guide the participants in order that they can achieve a step-change in their performances and executive gravitas.
7. Each participant receives as part of the training, individualized videotaping of their presentation style, and then discusses it with Paul Hussey to suggest corrective or improvement opportunities. This is done in a 1-to-1 format, allowing an open and frank exchange, without the impact of any other participant present. The participant can keep this video clip for their review or reminder.
9. Paul follows a detailed and organized structure, but brings the material to life with a constant stream of interactive role playing scenarios, real world examples from his leadership experience, and uses short video clips to make his point seem more tangible. He demonstrates public speaking excellence by highlighting several well known politicians, business leaders and historical figures and takes the participants through material that displays their capabilities.